I'm pregnant. What are my options?
Pregnancy can be unexpected and even stressful. Because of this, it is important to be objective and consider all your options, as there are many. But, before choosing an option, it is necessary to confirm your pregnancy. You can do this by either visiting your Obstetrician (OB) or getting a sonogram here at Life Forward. Once the pregnancy is confirmed, the next step is to consider your options. These options are abortion, adoption, and parenting. It is important to gather information about all your options before you decide. Below is some information to get you started.
Abortion is deliberately ending a baby’s life while it is still is the womb. [HD1] There are multiple ways of doing this depending on which trimester of development the baby is in. The two main categories are medical and surgical abortion.
The abortion pill is a nonsurgical method of abortion used during the first trimester of pregnancy that ends the life of the baby. Risks include vaginal bleeding, infection, and failed abortion. These drugs are approved by the FDA for use within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy2.
Aspiration is a surgical abortion procedure used during the first trimester of pregnancy. Earlier in pregnancy, a local numbing medication is given, and a thin tube is inserted into the uterus to suction the baby out. Later in pregnancy (between 7 and 12 weeks), the cervix must be opened wider using a medication that is placed in the vagina the day before the procedure. The cervix may need to be stretched further the day of the procedure, which can be painful, so sedation may be used as well. Again, a plastic tube is inserted into the uterus and suction is applied to pull the baby’s body apart and out of the uterus1. During the second trimester, the surgical procedure is called a D & E (dilation and evacuation) and medical instruments like forceps, suction, or a curette (a loop-shaped tool) will be used to remove the baby from the uterus1.
For more detailed information about abortion, you can go to https://www.abortionprocedures.com/ or schedule an appointment with us here at Life Forward by calling or texting 513-961-7777. Abortion is a life-changing and permanent decision, so it is extremely important to review all of your options and talk to experts before making any decisions.
Adoption is choosing another individual or family besides yourself to raise your child. The first thing to investigate when considering adoption is the state adoption laws. The website American Adoptions lays out the different adoption laws in Ohio, but a quick Google search will give you the information on adoption laws in other states.
Adoption will look a little bit different in every circumstance because it is a relationship and every relationship is unique. The nice thing is you can choose what you want that relationship to look like. How much contact do you want to have with your child and the adoptive family? Traditionally adoption has been categorized as closed, semi-open, and open. Closed meaning there was no contact between the birth parents and the adopted child, semi-open meaning there is some limited contact, and open meaning there is full contact. In reality it’s more of a spectrum, meaning you and the adoptive parents come up with an agreement for what you want your particular relationship to look like.
One is open adoption, which means that the biological parents (you) and the adoptive parents have some personal information about one another, and there is an option of contact if you want it. Closed adoption, on the other hand, involves no interaction at all between the birth mom and the adoptive parents. The final type of adoption is a semi-open adoption. In a semi-open adoption, the adoption agency shares information about the baby and adoptive family with the birth mom and vise versa. There is no direct contact between the birth mom and the adoptive family, the agency is the mediator between the two parties3.
The selection of the adoptive parents is a thorough process. You can look through profiles of potential adoptive parents to choose who would be a best fit for your baby. No matter what agency you go through, you should have the power to choose the right family for your baby. Below is a link to an adoption agency you can learn more about to help you make an informed decision:
If adoption doesn’t seem like the right fit for you, parenting is another option you may choose for your baby.
Parenting means you are the one to raise your child. This requires, physical, emotional, and financial resources. Depending on your situation it may seem exciting or it may seem scary. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources out there to help guide you through this life-changing journey. Here at Life Forward, our parenting classes called Upward equip you with parenting skills before your child is even born.
Parenting is hard work but rewarding. It is helpful to have a support system in your life that you can rely on to help not just in the care of your child but for you as well. Additionally, people who have parented before (your mom or dad, siblings with children, family friends) are great resources to gain wisdom about parenting. Parenting is a good option for expecting parents who have a good support system, a place for you and the baby to live and a way of financially supporting you and the new member of your family.
Choosing to parent is a big decision to make. It will change the rest of your life, but many parents feel it is one of the most rewarding things you can do. It is important to objectively look at all of your options and your lifestyle to determine if parenting is the right fit for you. It may be helpful to talk to people who know you, like your parents, significant other, or other important people in your life. Or, you can choose to sit down with a client educator here at Life Forward to determine the best path for you, your family, and your baby. You can make an appointment by texting or calling 513-961-7777.
While pregnancy can be intimidating and overwhelming, we can help you make the best decision for you, whether it is choosing to parent your child or pursuing adoption through one of the agencies listed above.
1 Care Net. (2016). Before you decide [Pamphlet]. Care Net.
2 Live Action. (n.d.). Abortion procedures: What you need to know. Retrieved
February 18, 2020, from https://www.abortionprocedures.com/
3 ACOG. (2013, February). Pregnancy choices: Raising the baby, adoption, and abortion.
Retrieved February 4, 2020, from https://www.acog.org/Patients/FAQs/Pregnancy-Choices-Raising-the-Baby-Adoption-and-Abortion?IsMobileSet=false
[HD1]Suggested rephrasing: Abortion is an intervention that stops a pregnancy from continuing and ends the baby’s life.